- Celtic Tiger
- общ. "Кельтский тигр" (разговорное обозначение Ирландии, экономика которой в период 1990-х гг. характеризовалась высокими темпами роста)See:
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Англо-русский экономический словарь.
Celtic Tiger — ( ga. Tíogar Ceilteach) is a name for the period of rapid economic growth in the Republic of Ireland that began in the 1990s and slowed in 2001, only to pick up pace again in 2003 and then have slowed down once again by 2007. During this time,… … Wikipedia
Celtic Tiger — (англ. Кельтский тигр ) шоу ирландского танца, поставленное Майклом Флэтли, который также исполняет одну из главных ролей. Celtic Tiger совмещает в себе ирландские танцы с балетом, фламенко, хип хопом и сальсой. Музыка к шоу написана… … Википедия
Celtic Tiger — ist eine Irish Dance Show unter der Regie von Michael Flatley, der auch die Choreographie entwickelte und die Show selbst produzierte. Die Musik stammt von Ronan Hardiman. Die Uraufführung fand am 9. Juli 2005 im Népstadion in Budapest statt … Deutsch Wikipedia
Celtic tiger — UK US noun [S] ► ECONOMICS a way of referring to the Republic of Ireland during the 1990s and 2000s when the economy grew and became successful very quickly: »The bank’s Irish business benefited from the success of the Celtic tiger economy. »It… … Financial and business terms
Celtic Tiger — A nickname for Ireland during its boom years of the late 1990s, when it enjoyed an average annual growth rate of over 6.5%. The first boom was in the late 1990s when investors (many of them tech firms) poured in, drawn by the country s favorable… … Investment dictionary
Celtic Tiger Live — Celtic Tiger Live, также известный как «Кельтский тигр Майкла Флэтли» шоу ирландского танца, совмещающее в себе ирландские танцы с балетом, фламенко, хип хопом и сальсой, режиссёром, продюсером, хореографом и солистом в котором выступил Майкл… … Википедия
Celtic Tiger Live — For the nickname for Irish economic growth, see Celtic Tiger Celtic Tiger Live or more often known Michael Flatley s Celtic Tiger or just Celtic Tiger was an Irish Dance show. History Michael Flatley, famous for his Lord of the Dance and Feet of… … Wikipedia
tiger economy — UK US noun [C] (also tiger, economic tiger) ECONOMICS ► a country with an economy that is growing very fast: »Corporations had to face the increasing power of the East Asian tiger economies. → See also ASIAN TIGER(Cf. ↑Asian tiger), CE … Financial and business terms
Tiger Cub Economies — The term Tiger Cub Economies refers to the economies of the four dominant countries in the Southeast Asia after Singapore.[1] The Tiger Cub Economies (yellow) The original tigers (red) [ … Wikipedia
Tiger economy — A tiger economy is the economy of a country which undergoes rapid economic growth, usually accompanied by an increase in the standard of living. The term was initially used for Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Taiwan (the East Asian… … Wikipedia
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 — Developer(s) EA Tiburon Publisher(s) … Wikipedia